Better Me, Better We – BlockChainOrDie

The Book

The Book

If Your Organization’s Not Evolving, It’s Dying.


What Are People Saying

Eric is the one to watch, as the blockchain revolution plays out. For anyone who asks, he has my heartfelt recommendation.

I read the book to learn more about blockchain technology and the industry that supports it. The author not only gave a background on the early stages of blockchain but offered ideas on how disruptive (and profitable) it will be for early adopters.

Ivory Johnson

Extremely Helpful

I didn’t have much interest in cryptocurrencies, but Blockchain or Die showed me how cryptocurrencies can benefit all regions and countries. The global stories in Blockchain or Die showed me how the blockchain can impact everyday life, which is the best way to learn about this new technology. Because of Blockchain or Die, I look forward to hearing more blockchain stories.
Whether you’re a newbie or seasoned in the blockchain world, Eric’s ability to simplify blockchain tech is on display in his book. I highly recommend for all to read and study to understand this growing technology and leverage this book to understand how blockchain can be utilized for both crypto investing and business use in private and public organizations!
Blockchain or Die is the reason I invested in cryptocurrencies. When I saw the name Blockchain or Die, I knew I had to buy this book. Blockchain or Die did not only give me the information I needed to invest, it gave me the recommended actions I needed to invest. Now I feel comfortable investing in cryptocurrencies and I am started researching additional ways I can profit from blockchain technology. Blockchain or Die is a must-read in fact I plan on reading it again. I had a brief discussion with Eric Guthrie about blockchain technology. Eric took out Blockchain or Die and showed me a few important pages. I decided to buy five copies of the book right away. This information was too important to keep to myself so I decided to buy four books for friend and family.
Diversity and inclusion has been in the workplace since the 1980s; however; diversity and inclusion has not experienced significant advances since 2000. Blockchain technology has the potential to dramatically change the diversity paradigm. Smart contracts and decentralized autonomous organizations may be the business model of the future and may hold the most important key to advancing diversity and inclusion since the publications Workforce 2000 (1987) and Beyond Race and Gender (1992). This presentation combines the messages of two books, Diversify or Die (2016) and Blockchain or Die (2019), and makes the case that blockchain technology levels the playing field so diversity is no longer a “policy”, it is a seamless business practice.
After reading the book I have a much better understanding of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. I also started to try some of the action items. Blockchain or Die has opened so many opportunities for me that I am going to read it again to make sure I did not miss anything. Blockchain or Die is a must-buy book. Eric is the author of Blockchain or Die (2019), an Amazon #1 New Release, and the award-winning book Diversify or Die (2016). Eric is President and CEO of Better ME Better WE, the Director of Training Programs for the Government Blockchain Association and a Partner in The Cogent Law Group in Washington, DC. As an attorney Eric is using his expertise to advise clients on how to successfully establish a new blockchain company or incorporate blockchain technology into their business infrastructure or. As a Certified Blockchain Trainer, Eric designs and delivers highly interactive blockchain training programs. Eric is dedicated to educating global communities on blockchain technology. Eric travels the world educating global communities on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Eric is ready to coordinate with your business or organization to successfully achieve your cryptocurrency or blockchain goals.
Blockchain technology is almost 10 years old, but it is still in the “early adopter” phase. Lack of understanding is one of the greatest barriers to blockchain technology adoption and user interface. Global communities cannot adopt blockchain technology when they do not understand how blockchains operate. This challenge presents an opportunity for blockchain entrepreneurs and trainers to bridge the critical knowledge gap to expedite blockchain adoption and user interface. The Effective Blockchain Training presentation is not a theoretical or data-driven presentation. This presentation will present recommendations and opportunities for attendees to play a critical role in the blockchain economy.
This presentation is based on Chapter 8 of the book Blockchain or Die. Blockchain technology is very new and many companies are looking to capitalize on this new technology, but are they using the right approach? Consider the following questions: 1. Does your organization really need a blockchain solution? 2. Does your organization have the resources to research and implement a blockchain solution? Have you considered all of the legal and regulatory implications? 3. How will your blockchain solution benefit the end-user? How can you monetize your blockchain solution? The answers to these questions are critical to implementing a successful blockchain solution. Eric’s presentation will walk you through the recommended steps and provide recommendations.
As the Founder of The Black Blockchain Consultants, I have read many blockchain technology books. Most of the blockchain books are highly technical which may discourage many audiences from reading the book. Blockchain or Die gives all audiences the benefit of a blockchain education. This book is written in plain language and Eric takes the time to define the important blockchain terms. After defining the terms, Eric reminds the reader of the definition when the topic comes up in the book again. This is an excellent way to learn the important blockchain technology terms. I recommend Blockchain or Die for anyone who wants to learn about blockchain technology.
I have been learning, using, teaching, and using “blockchain & cryptocurrencies” for over 3 years. What I found extremely useful is that the book is organized in such a way that it enables the reader to jump around from chapter to chapter in any order. Eric approaches each chapter on a focused manner yet he’s able to keep the topic at hand relevant to the intertwined nature of the blockchain ecosystem. I was able to get many ‘gold nuggets’ from each chapter, even from those I considered to be in my wheelhouse. Excellent book!

V. Shine

I had the pleasure of meeting Eric Guthrie at the annual Government Blockchain Association (GBA) Conference held in Washington DC at the US Capitol. I enjoyed speaking with him and appreciate all the advice he offered me in my career in blockchain technology. I’m also looking forward to his speech later this week with HBCU’s. I highly recommend Blockchain or Die as well as any blockchain related courses he’s currently teaching.

R. Cooper

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Eric is looking forward to partnering with you to profit from the blockchain economy.

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