Better Me, Better We – BlockChainOrDie

Learn to profit from cryptocurrency and blockchain

Blockchain Or Die

Unlock the future with the award-winning book on blockchain technology. Dive into its revolutionary potential, understand its complexities, and discover how it’s reshaping industries.

Get your copy today and start your blockchain journey.

The Book

The Future is Here

JP Morgan, Fidelity, and Microsoft are examples of billion-dollar companies preparing for a blockchain economy. Reading Blockchain or Die is the first step to preparing yourself for the future. It’s your time to create a plan to benefit from cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

The question is simple, do you want to create a future where you profit from cryptocurrencies and blockchains or do want to look back 10 years later and regret you did not take advantage of this once-in-a-generation opportunity?

Eric asked himself the same question and he decided to use this new technology to create new opportunities. You can make the same decision.

Diversify or Die

Eric’s First Book, Diversify or Die (2016).

Diversify or Die convincingly demonstrates how diversity and inclusion have a direct impact on the bottom line of every organization.

Photos & Videos
Eric asked himself the same question and he decided to use this new technology to create new opportunities. You can make the same decision.

Global Legislation & Regulations

The Future of Money, Governance & the Law

Eric Guthrie: Keynote: Blockchain & Liberty


What Are People Saying
Eric is the one to watch, as the blockchain revolution plays out. For anyone who asks, he has my heartfelt recommendation.
I read the book to learn more about blockchain technology and the industry that supports it. The author not only gave a background on the early stages of blockchain but offered ideas on how disruptive (and profitable) it will be for early adopters.

Ivory Johnson

Extremely Helpful

I didn’t have much interest in cryptocurrencies, but Blockchain or Die showed me how cryptocurrencies can benefit all regions and countries. The global stories in Blockchain or Die showed me how the blockchain can impact everyday life, which is the best way to learn about this new technology. Because of Blockchain or Die, I look forward to hearing more blockchain stories.
Whether you’re a newbie or seasoned in the blockchain world, Eric’s ability to simplify blockchain tech is on display in his book. I highly recommend for all to read and study to understand this growing technology and leverage this book to understand how blockchain can be utilized for both crypto investing and business use in private and public organizations!

Training Profits

Blockchain Training Profits

Blockchain technology is spawning new industries that will command trillions of dollars in the global economy by 2022. Simply put, blockchain technology is the technology of the future.

Better Me Better We Certified Blockchain Consultant Course

The Better ME Better WE Certified Blockchain Consultant Course (CBCC) is certified by the Government Blockchain Association (GBA).

The CBCC is a 40-hour program that consists of three courses:

Certified Blockchain Consultant Course Objectives

CBCC is designed to give attendee’s blockchain basics as well as classroom experience in blockchain consulting. The CBCC course objectives follow:

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Eric is looking forward to partnering with you to profit from the blockchain economy.

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